Monday, August 10, 2009

Tales of Chemo Brain: The Stove

People with chemo brain should not be operating kitchen applicances like the stove. In two days, I've forgotten about it three times...

Our bake element in the oven had blown, so Bryan replaced it Friday. Saturday morning I turned on the oven to make sure it worked and thankfully I told him I was doing it because I didn't remember it until we were on our way home from Kenosha - around 3pm. I said "did we ever turn the oven off?" He said "It scares me that you just remembered that now."

Yesterday I was boiling brats on the stove to prep them for grilling and next thing I know, Bryan is standing behind me saying "honey, honey, honey" as the pot overboiled.

Today I was searing the boneless ribs I bought to throw them in the slow cooker...I figure I can't do much damage with a slow cooker. I forgot about them, thankfully not for long. I went into the kitchen for a drink and there they were in the pan, sizzling. I flipped them and stood there until they were ready.

As comedic as I make these stories out to be, they are very scary. It's not just forgetting like you forget where you put your sunglasses. The memory of the action is completely gone from my mind, as if it never happened.

I will be staying away from cooking without supervision until my mind comes back.

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