Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Reasons I've Decided to be a Vamp

Before reading the top 10 reasons I've decided to be a vampire, please be advised that I am in no way a Twilight fan. I'm quite the opposite in fact. I wasn't goin to bother with the movie, but a friend insisted I borrow it. I turned it off right after the main vamp pulled open his shirt to reveal that vampires shimmer and make noise when they do it. I'm not on any team, and will only watch a Twilight movie that consists of all of them killing each other.

I am however, a vampire fan and have been since before the writer of Twilight was born. Ok, maybe not that long, but you catch my drift.

Let's carry on then...

10. There's much less traffic at night.
9. I wouldn't have to go grocery shopping.
8. I'd lose weight much faster if I only drank blood.
7. I already have the wardrobe.
6. I could clean the house super fast.
5. I'm not a morning person.
4. I'm already pale.
3. My skin would have a nice glow without makeup.
2. Have you ever seen an ugly vampire?
1. I'm kinda sick of fearing for my life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not quite sure #1 is a valid reason, with all the amateur van Helsings trying to put a stake through your heart.
