Saturday, September 18, 2010


So the last few days, I'm kinda sick to death of pain and the only explanation is "sometimes chemo causes that". So what? I'm just supposed to suck it up? My pains:

1. Right side of my neck
2. Back of my neck on the right
3. Right chest
4. Right clavicle
5. Right arm
6. Right armpit
7. Right shoulder
8. Everthing between right back of neck and right shoulder
9. Right hip


Chest and arm pit are probably scar tissue. Right clavicle and arm are probably due to damage from my mediport placement. Lovely.

Every day I pray that I don't have a recurrance because I know I couldn't handle the chemo again.

The Light The Night walk was a great success. Personally I wished I had tried harder to get more donations, but I love being part of something so big and important. And as much as I hate hearing the stories and see the small kids with scarves on their heads I believe it's a good reminder for me. It was cool to see a little boy that was sick last year, now in his terrible twos.

And now a little update on my mental health...still feeling very selfish. I still wish I could hang out with my favorite person in the world all the time. I'm finding myself "zoning out" a lot more lately. Before the majority of my day dreams were at bedtime when I couldn't sleep or in the car when I was alone. Now, I could be anywhere. I feel like JD from scrubs - head tilted to the side, just day-dreaming up a storm.

I haven't been very emotional the last few days tho. Quite the opposite. With the exception of the Walk, I've been feeling angry and cold again. I don't know where these feelings come from or if it's some kind of defense mechanism.

I'm also noticing that I'm pretty tired lately. That scares me. It could be the change in weather, or adjusting to the back to school routine, or that I'm actually learning again and making my brain do something out of the ordinary.

Perhaps the common fool would wonder why, oh why don't I go to the doctor. I'll tell you a little secret: I DON'T TRUST DOCTORS.

Ok. So, what makes me happy these days? My kids as always, tho they also are major stress factors in my life...and not always because of something they do. There's school, bullies, homework, sicknesses, etc. School is making me happy - I feel so good when I finish an assignment or do good on a test. Other than that, I can't really say what makes me really, I can't say.

What really, really bothers me is that I'm usually really good at working out what's in my head myself. I can usually sit down and take a long hard "look in the mirror" and figure it out. It has taken me days, even months depending on what was wrong at the time, but I've always been able to get myself through things. Now, I just don't have the time to go through my head and figure out what I'm feeling, why I'm feeling it, and what I need to get over it (or around it, or through it, etc.) All I know, is when I do actually feel something, it's absolutely NOT what I should be feeling.

And I know these last two blogs have been more like the ramblings of a crazy person, but I can't help it. This is what it's like in my brain right now. I wish I could call up the hoarders team to organize all the shit in there...that's a joke haha.

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